07 April 2006

Kingdom Hearts 2 Fourteen -> Sixteen

It occurs to me that it's been a while since a sequel did not have a subtitle. Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow. Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones. You get the point. I think that Kingdom Hearts 2 needs one, and I'll provide one that is appropriately descriptive:

Kingdom Hearts 2: Continual Disappointment

or how about another:

Kingdom Hearts 2: Lost Magic

Something that conveys that KH2 just doesn't have it. Like I said earlier, it seems as though the developers were shackled by the fact that it needed to be an RPG rather than freed by it. Every time I enter into battle it feels forced; I can see the developers sitting there mapping out the levels and going: "Damn, I guess we have to throw in some more fighting in here." I also use "mapping out" lightly since most of the worlds can be contained in a 3x3 grid of screens; there really is little to no exploration and feels like the bare minimum amount of environments was met in order to say "this is the [insert Disney movie here] world, see? It is! Really!"

how about:

Kingdom Hearts 2: Chain of Mediocrity


Kingdom Hearts 2: You'll buy me anyway, so shut up and do it

The RPG trappings that are here feel hollow: leveling up doesn't have much impact (I barely notice the name attached to the Level Up graphic that appears in the corner), the skills really aren't interesting, and the disconnect between the speed with which your Drive/Summon meter recovers and how much more often you'd prefer to use your Drives and Summons is a vast one -- not a good thing when that is your main addition to combat.

They should definitely cut down on the number of worlds in order to spend more time crafting unique experiences for each. Make each one almost a game unto itself, with a new set of things to do and new methods by which to do them, according to the Disney movie it emulates. They bothered to change me into a lion in the Lion King world, so why not have me do things like a lion instead of slapping the keyblade in my mouth and having me do the same thing as other worlds?

The game isn't horrible, but it isn't exactly enthralling either. This week I've had, according to xfire's count, six hours that I could have spent playing KH2 that I instead spent playing Guild Wars. Will I finish KH2? Yes, most definitely. There's enough here that the fact that I am already invested in the series is enough to keep me playing, despite its flaws. Yet it may be a bit longer than anticipated before I finish it (unless the end is nearer than I expect, which is possible even though I feel like the last 10 hours have been filler).

More updates when I get around to playing it some more.


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